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Avoiding Black Bears

by Sueños on 02/16/17

I want to start this blog off with a little thought experiment. First I want you to try your best to not think about a black bear. Think about whatever you like, just make sure it isn't a black bear. Your whole goal here, is to do anything, but think of a big black bear. Now, I'm sure you did just the opposite of that. When I said, "Don't think about a black bear," I bet the first thing that popped into your mind was a large black bear. When people are stressed we all tell them to calm down, and it has the exact same effect of saying "Don't think about a black bear!"

Instead, acknowledge your thoughts for exactly what they are -- thoughts, and subsequently they're something you think, not necessarily the truth. So, when you're feeling stressed instead of thinking, "I'm stressed," think, "I'm having the thought that I am stressed." This is the foundation of any mindfulness practice, and is just that, a practice. It takes time to work on, but it allows for the manipulation of your perspective in profound ways. Focus on what is currently happening, and understand that you always have the power to avoid black bears.

Diversity:The Key to Future Hires

by Sueños on 02/15/17

Millennials are not only the largest generation in America, but also the most diverse says Pew Research Center. With diversity set to only increase, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, diversity hires are now more important than ever. It is essential that businesses begin to adapt to this trend sooner, rather than later, else their bottom lines suffer.

Not only is it important that companies effectively relate to their consumer base, they must also avoid scenarios in which group think becomes the norm. The ramifications of group think can be disastrous, see the Bay of Pigs and the Columbia launch disaster. In both of these cases incredibly well educated people, who may even be considered at the top of their field, made decisions that were truly appalling.

Descent is the key to the refinement of ideas, and the best way to foster healthy descent in an organization is, a diverse board of key-decision makers. Whether that's gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious, or even colleges attended, diverse ideas and backgrounds are essential to any business, especially those with a multi-national scope. Not only is diversity the future of America, it is the future of the world. That's why Los Sueños Institute is dedicated to helping companies develop high potential candidates into well-rounded and bold thought leaders, so that we all may take a step into the future, together.

Remembering Why We Do It All.

by Sueños on 02/14/17

Today my post will be rather on the short side, as the message I have today is very simple. I hope today we will all take a moment to remember why we do, what we do. Remember the people who remember how we like our sandwiches, our orders at restaurants, and our favorite things. Those who make us smile so effortlessly, and remind us we're worthwhile. Take a moment today to remind them they're appreciated, and that what they give us is worth so much more than we could possibly say.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com


by Sueños on 02/13/17

The "should's" we've all heard them. "You should go to college, and you should get a higher education. Also you should probably get your degree in some sort of engineering field, as that's what is in high demand right now." Or how about, "You should get married, and you should have kids." These are all fine things to do, but what if your passion isn't engineering? Maybe instead you prefer welding or poetry. And maybe you don't really want to raise kids. It isn't that you don't like them, but that the act doesn't seem like something that would fulfill you.  So where do these ideas come from?

Well largely they come from other sources be it the media, your parents, your friends, your community, your religion, your culture, your gender identity, all of these sources tell you how you should act. And what they say you should be doing aren't always bad things, but rather it's how they say it. Religion tells us to treat others how we want to be treated and to be generous with our belongings, but it does so under the threat of being reborn into a lower caste or thrown into eternal suffering. The problem with this, and any should for that matter, is it robs the actions of their passion. When you go to school so you can get a good job, then suddenly you're no longer getting an education for your own personal development, you're getting an education so you can make money. By listening to "should's" we rob ourselves of our innate authenticity and in doing so our creativity and fulfillment. "Should's" turn activities, whether that's learning, generosity, or academic research, into gate keepers of future happiness. "Once I have a steady job, 2.5 kids, and a house with garage -- Alas! Then I can finally be happy." However I think when you get there, if those aren't things you're sincerely interested in, you won't really be happy with them at all.

So then you're stuck, because you've done all the things you were told you SHOULD do to be happy, and you aren't happy. Well there's got to be a way out of it, because there's people around me who are happy, so why can't we all just be like them? Well those people who are happy are doing something very different from those who aren't. They're trying to figure out who they can be. This ties in quite well with Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, with the pinnacle being self-actualization. The key word in that phrase being "self". Because when you start trying to figure out what you could do, instead of what you should do the paradigm shifts. You're living life for yourself, instead of for other people because "could's" are internal. However, they aren't quite as loud as "should's" in fact "could's" are much more like whispers of the mind, and the best way to hear them is to ask the mind to be quiet. That's really what meditation is, listening to who you could be instead of who you should be. The real magic begins, however, when you accept yourself as who you could be.

The Three Responsibilities of a Coach

by Sueños on 02/10/17

The question I get asked the most often is, "So what does a coach do?" And to be honest it can be a hard question to answer because there are so many things a coach DOES do. To sum everything up into  one concise sentence seems difficult, as often it seems in doing so I leave out other key aspects of the profession. So rather than provide a botched definition, I thought I'd write a blog post about it!

A Coach Asks the Right Questions

It is so easy to get stuck in our habits, that sometimes we forget to well...THINK. We can get so caught up in doing what is expected of us, that we forget to do what we want to do. That's where a coach comes in. They help you stay focused on your dreams, by asking you the right questions. In doing this a coach makes sure that your behavior is always synchronized with achieving your goals, and that you aren't straying from your path.

A Coach Helps You Build Skills

Energy Focused Living (EFL) is the method all Los Sueños Institute coaches use to help their clients develop their dreams into reality. This can only be done by long term changes in perception, which all fundamentally begins with the way we perceive stimulus. A coach is there to give you the tools to help facilitate this change, with the long term goal of eliminating rumination from your life.

A Coach Sees Through Your Fears

There's a metaphor Los Sueños Institute likes to use for this role, and I think it describes it best. It's 30 seconds in the last quarter of a football game, and you're behind by two points. You are the quarterback, and you're 10 yards from the in zone.  The whistle blows and there's a cacophony of colliding shoulder pads, grunts, and torn-up turf. Out of the corner of your eye you see a 265-pound lineman break free and barrel towards you at full pace. Your heart races the closer he comes, and you decide there's no time to for a pass. You begin to sprint towards the end zone, but it's too late the living mountain is already on top of you. That night when you hit the locker room your coach catches up to you and says, "How did you miss  Ramirez in the End Zone? He was wide open." 

When we are in the moment our fear (265-pound line backer) keeps us from assessing a situation with clarity. A coach has the advantage of seeing your situation with a total, unbiased perspective. From this distance a coach is able to assist you in finding a solution to life's conflicts. 

So there you have it, a coaches ultimate goal is to help you build your dream. They do this by eliminating your fears, and helping you stay focused on what it is you're trying to achieve. They help you find solutions to obstacles, and they help you develop the tools to do it on your own. A coach is here to help you create the life you've always dreamed of, all you have to do is take the first step. 

This is a guest blog from one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com