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5 Books That Changed my Life

by Sueños on 02/24/17

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
I couldn't write this post and leave this beauty out of the equation. It's seriously one of my favorite reads of all time. It explores the human phenomenon of shaping your own reality through discussing the values of  ceasing assumption, speaking impeccably, not taking things personally, and always trying your best. It is the book that sparked my journey of self-discovery, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Siddhartha by Herman Hess
Siddhartha follows the religious journey of a young man named, well, Siddhartha. From his time as a young man studying with his father as a Brahmin, his journey as a Samana, his eventual indulging in earthly pleasures, to his reawakening. It is a truly beautiful read focused on spiritual individuality. An inspiring read and at just 200 pages definitely conquerable on a rainy day.

Walden by Henry David Thoreau
Alright so I know a great many of you probably were forced to read this as a high school student, which can really take the appeal out of something. However, I recommend you pick this book up again as an adult. The older vernacular won't be quite as daunting, and that means the message it conveys can be better understood. The book's focus on simplicity, and living a life of little material possession, really allows for the exploration of more important things, like close, human relationships. This book is what inspired me to live in a tiny house, and it could not be more relevant to today.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I know a sci-fi adventure series seems like an odd pick, but as any avid sci-fi fan will eagerly tell you, their ability to suspend modern reality allows for an objective look at many social constructs. This book is certainly no exception. Its sardonic sense of humor conveys many a life lesson, in a hilarious and captivating manner. The fast pace of this book will keep you so engaged, when you finally take a break you'll realize it's now suddenly dark! A real delight, and I cannot recommend it enough.

Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah
While not focused on spirituality or life lessons, this book accurately lays out the landscape of inbound marketing. (Inbound marketing is just a fancy way of saying social media). If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, marketing student, or just someone who enjoys the exploration of social phenomena, this book offers a thorough how to on implementing social media as a marketing tool. They're constantly updating their content to fit the fast-paced world that is tech, and I cannot recommend it enough.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com


by Sueños on 02/22/17

In today's execution metrics focused world we have not allowed space for innovation. The two do not live in the same professional space. Execution metrics many times look at and measure elements which made us successful in the past.  They are known quantitive items which many times tie us to our origins. While innovation in its purist energy is unknown, difficult to measure, and indefinable. For us to be able to move forward, as our world has become a continuous form of flux and transition, we need to feel comfortable with and deliberately make space for innovation.  Innovation is about looking forward and embracing the unknown, wrestling with the fear of failure, and calming the heart. You have to be willing and able to stare into the abyss and see potential!

What it Means to Expect the Unexpected

by Sueños on 02/21/17

This old adage seems paradoxical at first glance. Once something is expected it is no longer unexpected, but I see it slightly different. To expect the unexpected is to find events that would normally induce panic as ordinary as anything else. It is the serendipitous way of perceiving the world, in which we realize what we are getting is what we truly wanted to begin with. It is, in a sense, a form of surrender, through which we do our best with the opportunities we are given.

 By living this mantra we don't have to experience frustration or misery, because each short-coming is another leaf on the tree so to speak. With this outlook, even the smallest inconvenience is a way for us to respond to situations as the people we would like to be. However, none of this is possible when the smallest inconvenience insights within us fear and rage. So, next time you find yourself faced with a frustrating situation, remember, you were expecting it anyway.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you want to see more posts like this, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

What it Means to Expect the Unexpected

by Sueños on 02/21/17

This old adage seems paradoxical at first glance. Once something is expected it is no longer unexpected, but I see it slightly different. To expect the unexpected is to find events that would normally induce panic as ordinary as anything else. It is the serendipitous way of perceiving the world, in which we realize what we are getting is what we truly wanted to begin with. It is, in a sense, a form of surrender, through which we do our best with the opportunities we are given.

 By living this mantra we don't have to experience frustration or misery, because each short-coming is another leaf on the tree so to speak. With this outlook, even the smallest inconvenience is a way for us to respond to situations as the people we would like to be. However, none of this is possible when the smallest inconvenience insights within us fear and rage. So, next time you find yourself faced with a frustrating situation, remember, you were expecting it anyway.

This Change in Perspective Will Make Your Life Extraordinary

by Sueños on 02/17/17

Remember when you used to lie on the ground and marvel at the clouds as they drifted across the sky? Who could forget throwing pebbles into a glassy pond, and watching the concentric circles emanate outwards? We all talk about how we wish we could recapture this time of child like wonder, where the lines on bark were awe inspiring, and fairies lived in toadstool ridden stumps. Yet somewhere we lost that, even as the things we do now are even more magical. You can see the face of someone across the globe in real time and talk to them as though they were right in front of you! We have access to almost endless amounts of music and video, all just a few clicks away. The highly technological world we live in seems borderline magical, yet we so rarely wonder in it.

To exist as a human now is to seemingly summon a ride out of thin air. Even beyond our technological magnificence, there is an entire world of beauty around you. People falling in love for the first time, the sun setting in a new, magnificent display of color every night, plants turning carbon dioxide and sunlight into oxygen, all of these incredible things are happening all around us, and it's as if to explain them takes away their majesty. It's as if to know that the sun sets and rises everyday makes it less demanding of awe. To know the exact equation that explains photosynthesis, makes it any less a miracle.

Through evolution we live in a world of constant variation,and  in this variation life renews its ability to marvel at its own creation. So, unshackle yourself from complacency, and revel in your uniqueness. Find yourself once again encapsulated by enchantment, because the little blue dot we all call home is so unlikely to exist. Changing your perspective to see that it is all so out of the ordinary, and therefore extraordinary will truly change your life. Suddenly to work is to play, as we all begin to take in the intricacies that make our job a miracle. Because at the core of that's all this really is, play.

This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like what you read, and want to read more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com