Los Suenos Institute
Is The Corporate Pace Sustainable Without Wellness Skills?
by Sueños on 03/07/17

Avoiding Burnout
by Sueños on 03/03/17
As a 20-something my experience with the service industry is a recent tale of agony and ecstasy. In my time I've destroyed $100 worth of brisket, broken customers cellphone screens, and been told where I can shove my had and how far up I can shove it. In contrast, I've given people relationship advice, shared pictures of our pets, and consoled a man after he learned his son may never walk again.
It's moments like these that made me realize I have the opportunity to offer so much more than a perfectly sliced piece of brisket, or a hamburger in under five minutes. I had the opportunity to give people joy, reassurance, and laughter. Working in the service industry reminded me of the common humanity I share with everyone. The need to be love and be loved, to feel excitement, and to express our wide cultivation of emotions.
So, I set about my work with a new mindset. It was no longer just about fixing people's phones, finding their lost package, or serving up great food. All of these became vehicles for me to uplift people. These were now opportunities to deliver real, authentic, human experience. When I approached it from this angle, suddenly I didn't mind busy nights, or lazy co-workers. And angry customers? Who could really blame them? Sometimes when life is at its worst, it just feels good to yell.
Now, as I move into my career, I've still held onto this mentality. When I feel unmotivated, uninspired, or just plain bored, I remember that I have the opportunity to make someone's day. That by just doing my job as best as I can, I can uplift someone. That's how I've avoided burnout.
This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
What is Authentic Leadership?
by Sueños on 03/01/17
Authentic leadership is one of the most recently conceptualized leadership styles. While many conceptualizations exist, I found the most most accurate conceptualization comes from a 2008 study where the authors define authentic leadership as,
a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate, to foster greater self-awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self-development.What it boils down to, for me, is a leader that is consistently oscillating between high and low positive energy states and acting in an ethical fashion, to bring about the same behavior in their employees.
Most exciting is that when the authors conducted a study relating authentic leadership to employee productivity and satisfaction, they found a positive correlation. Meaning authentic leaders tend to have employees who are more productive and more satisfied with their positions. This was true even when controlled for company culture overall.
We are just beginning to scratch the surface on this leadership style; however, it is already looking to be a very promising one. We've always encouraged our clients to find what gives them purpose, and to pursue it with all their might. I'm glad to see that science agrees.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
What I Learned From My First EFL Experience
by Sueños on 02/28/17
I touched on this a bit yesterday, but I didn't take the time to really delve into what my first EFL experience really meant to me. For those new here the Energy Focused Living(EFL) experience is a four day learning experience created by Juan Manuel Sanchez the founder of Los Sueños Institute. During the week you meditate, do yoga, hike, and kayak (or ski and snowshoe depending on the weather) all while surrounded by picturesque rocky mountains. This is done with the goal of helping its participants discover their true passion and their authentic selves. Oh and did I mention? No. Phones.
Day one without my phone was nerve wracking, however, by the end of day two I was happy to be without it. The experience made me realize I needed a much more balanced relationship with my connectedness. It made me realize how often I turn to it for entertainment instead of taking a moment to look around. In fact, I loved having my phone off so much, I left it off for the rest of the week. I felt like I controlled the buzzing, flashing rectangle in my pocket, and not the other way around.
The other huge breakthrough was an alleviation of my shoulder pain. I tend to carry my stress in my shoulders, and for a time it seemed I always had some minor kind of tension in them. It was something I had kind of come to accept. Some days were better than others, but no matter what stretches I did or how many massages I got it wouldn't go away. Then, on the third day of the experience, everything changed. I was meditating next to the pond in front of the house listening to the hum of the dragonflies, and the chorus of bird songs, when suddenly my shoulders dropped down. The tension disappeared. I was finally able to fully relax in a way I don't think I ever had before. From that moment on I was able to consciously alleviate the tension whenever I found it creeping its way back.
To sum it up, I found a way of being that was unlike anything I had experienced. I realized that my life is my canvas to paint, and that I can do so however I see fit. I came to a great deal of peace with myself, my goals, and ambitions. I found a happiness I had never experienced, and I was given the tools to continue to create it whenever I needed it. It was truly life changing, and I pray that it's an experience everyone can have one day.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
What Value Do You Give Your Day?
by Sueños on 02/27/17
The first month I was there I attended one of their Energy Focused Living(EFL) sessions, and the experience was truly once in a life time. Although I had picked up and put down meditation and yoga in the past, something about this experience made them different. (Perhaps it was turning my phone off while I did them). However, it was during this period that I had one of my most serious breakthroughs ever. I was not assigning value to my day.
Each day I woke up with no mission, no passion. Each day blended together, because I approached them with the same attitude of, "I can't wait to go home and be done with my homework." I was always looking forward to the next big thing, never appreciating the task I was doing now. So, I took inventory of how my days were spent by asking myself the question, "Do I actually enjoy what I am doing?" When I looked at my job, the answer was simple -- no. So, I quit. I realized I had started working there for the money, not for the experience. I began looking for jobs that would help be grow and learn things I was interested in, regardless of the paycheck. I realized a day I learn something new is more valuable than anything else.
So, I encourage you my dear reader to do the same. Push yourself constantly into experiences that force you to grow and acquire new skills. Whether that's having a family, joining a martial arts class, or learning to paint, it hardly matters. Grow for the sake of growing, and you will find much value.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com