Los Suenos Institute
Did You Know That You're an Author?
by Sueños on 03/29/17
As I finished shaking out the last of Moab from my sleeping bag this week end, I was reminded of the brilliant troop of young people that so kindly shared their firewood with me my final night. The rag tag bunch had collected from all over the U.S. into a group of adventure-seeking vagabonds. While the beginning of each of their stories was different, they had somehow united with one common theme. Each one had awoken separately one day and asked themselves, "Is this all there is?" In that spectacular moment they had all come to learn one very important lesson: they are the authors of their own story.
That sudden realization mingled with the smell of marshmallows and roasted bananas, dancing its way into the night sky. Because even though what they had discovered was quite liberating, the celebration of it bore new shackles. So, instead, each wove a separate tapestry from the stories they told, and authored new novels with the actions they took. They did so knowing full well, they could make it into whatever they want, whenever they wanted.
This is a guest post from one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
What to Expect From Your First Coaching Session
by Sueños on 03/28/17
The most common question I get from people when they ask about my line of work is, "Okay, so what do you actually do?" It's a fair question. The term "coach" is rather broad, and encompasses everything from handbags to sports. So, in effort to clear up some of the confusion, I thought I would inform everybody of what a first session might look like.
It's the least sexy part of what we do, but necessary. Coaching is not a substitute for psychological treatment. While many of the things we recommend to our clients are also proven to also be beneficial for those who are struggling with mental illness, we just aren't licensed to do it. (Nor do we have the training). Our goal is to help people who are already mentally stable achieve their wildest dreams. If at any point a coach feels their client is dealing with issues larger than the scope of their qualifications, they have a moral responsibility to refer their client to a mental health professional.
Energy Tools
Our approach is all about helping our clients establish the tools that are necessary for developing awareness of, and modulating their energy state. We want our clients to be able to realize when they're feeling relaxed, anxious, excited, scared, etc. and have the tools to be able to shift their energy state as they need. We help our clients begin to realize how they are affected when they lose their temper, or how people respond differently when they're in a great mood. On top of that, we want to give them the tools to move into those states when necessary.
Nutrition and Exercise
These are still within the realm of energy tools, but slightly more specific. It is imperative for optimal functioning of your brain, that you continue to exercise and eat properly throughout your life. We've all been told that since we were kids. However, we also understand that Rome wasn't built in a day. We talk to our clients about ways they can possibly begin to incorporate healthier foods and exercise into their daily routine. The answer isn't going to be the same for everyone. However, it is almost always where our clients see the most immediate change.
Goal Setting
I don't think it's too presumptuous to say that if you became interested in coaching, there's something about your life you would like to change. Perhaps it's a promotion you want to work towards, or maybe you want to begin establishing deeper connections with people. Whatever it is, our coaches are here to help you set realistic goals for yourself, and come up with a plan of action.
It's a lot to get through in an hour, and it flies by before you know it. For those who are considering a coach, I hope this gives more clarity as to what our approach is. Consultations are always free, and we hope to hear from you soon!
This is a guest blog from one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
3 Tools You Must Have To Be Successful In The Corporate World
by Sueños on 03/27/17

Many of us were the first in our family to graduate from college. We also became the first to enter the white collar workforce. With this step came a foreign environment with its own set of skills and behaviors. Theses are skills and behaviors which come innate for second or third generation white collar. They had many opportunities, as they grew up, to observe and model these skills and behaviors. Through out my professional career, I have seen many first generation white collars trying to apply the inappropriate skill for the situation and disappointed when the end result was not what they anticipated. It always reminded me of watching my father, he was a mechanic, trying to remove a metric nut with a standard socket. My father only had one set of tools it was a standard set. It was all he had ever needed. It was the set we had been using in America since the invention of the automobile. But suddenly there was a fuel shortage in the world and for the first time in America we started to import great numbers of Japanese automobiles all of them requiring metric tools. Back to my father, the socket kept slipping, so he switched to a crescent wrench, when the nut edges were completely rounded he took a pair of vice grips and with all his might torque the nut off. He was able to remove the nut but it ruined it for future use. Similarly many times with all our might we apply blue collar work tools to a white collar work set. While it helps us obtain our short term goal, it is generally at the expense of the long term opportunity. Like our parents it is generally the only set of tools we posses. I remember being told son work hard, don’t get in trouble, mind your own business; they will notice and take care of you. It didn’t happen. In order to enjoy success in proportion to our capacity we must:
1. Realize there is a informal set of skills and behaviors which get rewarded in a professional setting which varies from company to company.
2. We must take a honest assessment of ourselves as to which skills we posses and which we need to develop.
3. We must find out where we can obtain this development and take action
3 Things to Do When You Start Panicking
by Sueños on 03/24/17
Take a Moment to Focus on Your Breathing
This is what we've been meditating for. In the words of Alan Watts, "True spirituality turns anxiety into laughter." Take a moment to process why you're frustrated, how it might be avoided next time, and then let it go. I've found that laughter can truly be the best medicine here, and if I find myself getting frustrated, I usually laugh at myself for taking it all so seriously.
Start Thinking of Alternative Solutions
Now that you've taken a moment to recenter yourself, you can start thinking of ways to fix the problem. Using the sample above, if you have an important meeting, or a report due, perhaps you can ask one your co-workers to attend or turn it in for you. Where there's a will, there's a way. You just have to start thinking.
Accept the Outcome
Be brave and humble enough to accept the outcomes. It may or may not play in your favor; however, I'm always stunned by the lesson the Bay of Pigs disaster teaches us. Sometimes, when seemingly perfect people fail, people like them more because they're humanized a bit. So, if you find yourself on the verge of being a perfectionist, remember it's okay to seem mortal every now and then. How would you be a human if you didn't make mistakes?
To deal with stress and emergency effectively is kind of a balancing act. On the one hand, we have to act, it's necessitated by the situation, on the other, we have to be able to do so without losing control of the situation. It is within these moments, that we truly put our meditation or yoga practices to the test. In any situation, you always have the right to choose.
This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
The Ace Up Your Sleeve
by Sueños on 03/22/17
I also realize to create the most beautiful tapestry, I have to live in avid pursuit of the things I enjoy. So, that when it comes to the end, I can look at my tapestry and say, "I made this the only way I know how." With this mentality, I can treat any of my interests, as though they were a game worth really committing to. My life is no longer a space to waste idly, but an arcade with increasingly challenging games to play. This is the ace up my sleeve, and now, it can be yours too.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post and want to see more like it. Check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com