Los Suenos Institute
Serious or Sincere?
by Sueños on 03/22/17
When we tell someone something surprising their retort is almost certainly an immediate, "Are you serious?" To which I almost certainly reply, "No, but I am sincere." I've felt it important to make this distinction, as I have found there is little to be "serious" about. How odd it is to say that you seriously love somebody; however, to say you sincerely love someone makes much more sense. We often don't notice the sub-textual, emotional experience we have when we say certain words, but it is quite evident in those who struggle with depression. They constantly use words like worthless, and meaningless to describe their lives, and it has real, biological effects.
The distinction between sincerity and seriousness, is a mindset that can help you continue to stay in high and low positive emotional states. For us, that's kind of the hokey pokey of it all. (That's what it's all about.) This is, as it were, another tool in your toolbox to get you back to center. It's a reminder that even when things look at their most bleak, always be sincere, never serious.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches, Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
Thinking Like This, Could Help Reduce Stress
by Sueños on 03/21/17
In our daily lives, it can be very easy to get kind of swept away with our thoughts. Thinking about where we might like to stop for coffee, can quickly lead to us thinking about all the times we accidentally spilled hot coffee on our lap. Well now that we're thinking about all the times we spilled hot coffee on our lap, we think of the next logical step, going home to get dressed. What pants would match the shirt we have on? Oh no! Our only matching pair of pants are at the dry cleaners. God, if we spilled coffee on our laps we'd have nothing to wear. Then we must go shopping, but what about our favorite store. I think they closed their closest location!
This kind of thinking goes on and on, so much so, that we've completely passed the turn to our favorite café. We've all had this happen to us, and it can be simultaneously stressful and a titch ironic. In thinking about how we might slip up getting coffee, we've slipped up. It is these scenarios, and others like it, that a daily meditation practice can help avoid.
It is through the process of building a wall between thinker and observer, that we may begin to better control what thoughts we allow ourselves to dwell on. It is through the awareness that meditation brings this is possible, and as the word practice implies, there is always room for improvement. So, I encourage you, start your meditation today. Stop getting carried away.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
5 Things I Would Tell My Freshman Self
by Sueños on 03/20/17
Freshman year of college is associated with many growing pains. It's likey your first time on your own, and you likely have to make a whole new set of friends. On top of that, no one is around to actually make you go to class. Six months ago you had to ask to use the restroom, now you're expected to do pick up after yourself, maintain your grades, and somehow remain half sane during finals. It's not easy for anyone, but I hope these are things that can help you.
Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You
If you were anything like my in high school, you spent the large majority of the time looking over your shoulder to make sure no one thought you were weird. The only thing that ever did for me, was keep me from doing things that I enjoy. If I'm paying to be somewhere, the least I could do is have a good time of it. So, gather your dorm mates, wear onesies to the first day of class, run a pizza shop from your dorm room, be zany, and have fun.
You Learn Twice as Much if You Listen and Three Times as Much if You Ask Questions
This philosophy is as applicable to meeting new people, as it is to sitting in lectures. You're paying a lot of money to sit in those chairs, and you deserve to get your money's worth. I know sometimes it can be embarrassing, especially when a question seems incredibly simple, but I would refer you to our first topic if you feel embarrassed. Like I said this tip isn't just about doing well in class, it's also great for just trying to get to know people. I've found I learn much more, if I'm willing to listen to the things other people are passionate about. Attentive listening will get you far in life, and there's no better time to start developing it.
Learn How to Cook and Take a P.E. Elective
Now I understand sometimes freshman dorms don't have kitchens, and sometimes schools make meal plans mandatory. However, if you have the chance, don't back away from it. You can save yourself a ton of money, and avoid the dreaded freshman 15. It's important to start establishing your eating habits as soon as possible, and now you have the space to do it. If you find yourself going out for food every other night in college, it definitely won't stop when you graduate. Now, I know the second part of this sounds like a tough sell, but there are a million amazing options for getting active in college. I took sailing and yoga, and there was no mention of a pacer test. It should be no surprise that doing things that are good for you make you feel, well, good.
Never be Afraid to Introduce Yourself
This can perhaps be the most daunting of all, but what I've learned from my college experience is that you can never have too many friends. Even if it's just people who politely smile and wave at you in the hall, sometimes that can be the little lift you need before a huge exam. A good social foundation is critical to counteract the intense amount of studying you're doing. It's the balance of the two that makes college an incredible time.
Learn How to Say No
I still struggle with this. Who wants to stay home and read about molecular biology, when you could be out doing literally anything else? It's okay to say no to your friends, even though it seems hard. However, like I mentioned above, it's the balance between work and play that makes school fun. After you've gotten that A, you have every right to reward yourself with a beer and some Netflix. However, with no work, it can turn into self-indulgence really fast. Remember why you went to college in the first place, to study something you truly love.
I say these things, because I made every one of these mistakes my Freshman year. I was shy, fiercely opinionated, self-indulging, and unhealthy. I made fine grades, but I surely wasn't having the college experience I wanted. I guess I could boil all this down to, be open, stay healthy, remember why you're there, and have fun.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
To Those Who Want to be a Coach
by Sueños on 03/17/17
To those who want to be a coach, I welcome you. In fact, I am eternally grateful for your interest. It's a beautiful profession, and has offered me more rewards in the last year than I can possibly imagine. However, I hope that if this is something you're interested in, your definition of reward is quite broad. This profession will more than help you keep your lights on, but the things that make this such an honorable profession are the moments of sublime breakthrough.
It's when clients fully commit to their dreams and stare their self-defeating attitudes in the eyes, that you take a step back and realize, "That wouldn't have happened without me." It's a moment that is truly one of a kind, and one that will humble you beyond belief. As a coach you will end each day with the feeling, "The world is a better place for me having been here," and it's something that's truly one of a kind.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
If You're Considering a Coach
by Sueños on 03/16/17
If you're considering a coach, would it be too much to guess that there's something in your life that you would like to change? Whether it's getting a promotion, finding a new job, or even just improving your well being, there's a coach who's been there and is ready to help you take your efforts to the next level. If you're considering a coach, then you want to change. So, what are you waiting for? What is it that's keeping you from beginning on this new path? If it's fear of losing what you know now, then I ask why are you afraid of losing what you want to change? If you are ready to make a change and transform your life, I hope you know we're all here waiting, and we're dying to work with you.
This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you would like to see more posts like this, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com