Why You Should Never Stop Developing Your Passions : Los Suenos Institute
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Why You Should Never Stop Developing Your Passions

by Sueños on 05/16/17

A friend of mine recently finished his Computer Science degree, and he also happens to be an incredibly talented musician. Throughout the last five years he had played at nearly every local venue, and had been on several tours. This is exactly why I was surprised when he said he hadn't touched his guitar or drum kit in months. He told me that although he loved playing music, he was ready to start hunkering down on his career and creating a space to start a family.

It broke my heart a bit, and part of me absolutely prays he will read this. Your passion and career don't have to be separate, in fact, it's at their crossroads where people often find their best breakthroughs. It's at this point, I believe, where performance meets genuine undying interest that people can find meaning. That's the most divine form of human expression. An idea so big it takes a whole human lifetime to build, and each day is greeted with excitement as it's another day to continue building.

Without our passions life becomes, in a way, autonomous. Without those moments of pure expressions of joy, what is it we're working for? I implore of anyone who reads this, build your life in such a way that you work with your passion. It is from lives lived in such a pursuit that the most brilliant ideas are hatched, and that so many are helped. I wish you all a wonderful week, and may you make your wildest dreams come true.

This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

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