What Value Do You Give Your Day? : Los Suenos Institute
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What Value Do You Give Your Day?

by Sueños on 02/27/17

During my junior year of college I decided I would save some money by working and going to school full-time. At first it was fun, and it was nice not to take out any additional loans. However, after about three months, I found myself growing to dislike both. My job began to feel repetitive. Each day the customers felt the same and their problems even more similar. College was no longer expanding my mind, because I didn't have the proper time to devote to it. I cut corners, and did the bare minimum to get the grade I wanted. Each day felt more homogeneous than the one before it, and as a result, my grades started slipping as well as my work performance. The earth shattering change came when I joined Los Sueños Institute as an intern.

The first month I was there I attended one of their Energy Focused Living(EFL) sessions, and the experience was truly once in a life time. Although I had picked up and put down meditation and yoga in the past, something about this experience made them different. (Perhaps it was turning my phone off while I did them). However, it was during this period that I had one of my most serious breakthroughs ever. I was not assigning value to my day.

Each day I woke up with no mission, no passion. Each day blended together, because I approached them with the same attitude of, "I can't wait to go home and be done with my homework." I was always looking forward to the next big thing, never appreciating the task I was doing now. So, I took inventory of how my days were spent by asking myself the question, "Do I actually enjoy what I am doing?" When I looked at my job, the answer was simple -- no. So, I quit. I realized I had started working there for the money, not for the experience. I began looking for jobs that would help be grow and learn things I was interested in, regardless of the paycheck.  I realized a day I learn something new is more valuable than anything else.

So, I encourage you my dear reader to do the same. Push yourself constantly into experiences that force you to grow and acquire new skills. Whether that's having a family, joining a martial arts class, or learning to paint, it hardly matters. Grow for the sake of growing, and you will find much value.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

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