What it Really Means to Travel
by Sueños on 12/16/16

It felt like we were living large that trip, but nothing could compare to the grandeur of the crimson and apricot sandstone cliffs. I'll never forget hiking to the top of the cliff behind our campsite and looking out over the green river, as it cut through the monolithic cliffs of sandstone. It was in that moment that I truly understood the word serendipity. Never in my life had I truly been awestruck until I stood under the natural archways leading into Earth's sacred edifice. I had read Emerson's works, but it wasn't until that moment that I understood what, "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit," truly meant.
It's these moments in which we experience the sublime, the marvelous, the infinite, that we truly realize our place within cosmos. It's the reinvigorating of the senses, that allows us to see our own lives as these delicately woven tapestries of experience, in which thousands of stories are all intertwining to create one defining story of the human race. Travel at its core isn't about 5-star hotels in Milan or drinking champagne in first class, it's about reminding us what our place on this blue dot is all about. It's about helping us experience awe and wonder in even the most mundane of tasks.
So, find something new to do, experience something different from your day to day. Even if it's just a week end trip to a town a few hours away, or a small campsite in the middle of nowhere. It isn't about appearing like a jet-setter, it's about fueling your soul with experience.
This is a guest blog from one of our coaches Diego Andreas. If you like what you read, you can always read more of his content at www.wonderingintomyself.com
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