This Change in Perspective Will Make Your Life Extraordinary
by Sueños on 02/17/17
Remember when you used to lie on the ground and marvel at the clouds as they drifted across the sky? Who could forget throwing pebbles into a glassy pond, and watching the concentric circles emanate outwards? We all talk about how we wish we could recapture this time of child like wonder, where the lines on bark were awe inspiring, and fairies lived in toadstool ridden stumps. Yet somewhere we lost that, even as the things we do now are even more magical. You can see the face of someone across the globe in real time and talk to them as though they were right in front of you! We have access to almost endless amounts of music and video, all just a few clicks away. The highly technological world we live in seems borderline magical, yet we so rarely wonder in it.
To exist as a human now is to seemingly summon a ride out of thin air. Even beyond our technological magnificence, there is an entire world of beauty around you. People falling in love for the first time, the sun setting in a new, magnificent display of color every night, plants turning carbon dioxide and sunlight into oxygen, all of these incredible things are happening all around us, and it's as if to explain them takes away their majesty. It's as if to know that the sun sets and rises everyday makes it less demanding of awe. To know the exact equation that explains photosynthesis, makes it any less a miracle.
Through evolution we live in a world of constant variation,and in this variation life renews its ability to marvel at its own creation. So, unshackle yourself from complacency, and revel in your uniqueness. Find yourself once again encapsulated by enchantment, because the little blue dot we all call home is so unlikely to exist. Changing your perspective to see that it is all so out of the ordinary, and therefore extraordinary will truly change your life. Suddenly to work is to play, as we all begin to take in the intricacies that make our job a miracle. Because at the core of that's all this really is, play.
This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like what you read, and want to read more like it, check out his blog at