The Ace Up Your Sleeve : Los Suenos Institute
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The Ace Up Your Sleeve

by Sueños on 03/22/17

As a kid I used to love old Westerns because, often times, the hero wasn't necessarily quicker than the villain. However, he was always smarter. Whether it was winning the town's taxes back from a wealthy land owner, or gun slinging in the middle of the town, they always had an ace up their sleeve. In the recent years, I've developed an ace up my own sleeve. It's a mentality that life, even in its most frustrating and tragic moments, is no more than a game. It's to see that each event, whether it's one I would call happy or sad, is part of a beautiful tapestry that is continuously being woven. It is to live my life in such a way that I realize, even my biggest blunders, are still part of a much more beautiful story waiting to be told. 

I also realize to create the most beautiful tapestry, I have to live in avid pursuit of the things I enjoy. So, that when it comes to the end, I can look at my tapestry and say, "I made this the only way I know how." With this mentality, I can treat any of my interests, as though they were a game worth really committing to.  My life is no longer a space to waste idly, but an arcade with increasingly challenging games to play. This is the ace up my sleeve, and now, it can be yours too.  

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post and want to see more like it. Check out his blog at

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