Take a Moment to Inspire : Los Suenos Institute
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Take a Moment to Inspire

by Sueños on 03/13/17

We advocate, as part of our learning experiences, for a daily, spiritual practice. Whether that's yoga, meditation, or prayer it hardly matters to us, what is important is that you take a moment each morning to inspire yourself to greatness. Take 30 minutes every morning and remember what it is about your life that you find uplifting, exciting, and novel. Notice where you might be able to grow, and how you can try and see a situation from another person's point of view. The point of these practices is to help you get in spirit -- inspired. The experience is to be highly individualistic and associated with only the dogma you think makes sense to you.

We have found that these practices are critical for the formation of new ideas, and heightened senses of purpose, as they create space for profundity within our lives. So, I encourage you, take a moment tomorrow morning and just listen. Listen to what's going on in your head, listen to the sounds in your room, on your street, or in a park. Allow space for the answers you seek, and they will come.

This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com.

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