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by Sueños on 02/03/17
Saturday mornings were always mornings of after a week of travel and rushing from one meeting to another. I finally could enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee and read the morning paper. It usually was a late morning which blended into an afternoon of personal errands followed with an evening of entertainment activities. Sunday would follow as a morning to catch up on household to do's only to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with catching up on-emails. My new week had formally begun. This went on weekend upon weekend, year upon year. I never could catch my breath. I was drained from the week only to start my week drained from the weekend.I knew it could not go on indefinitely. It was not sustainable. I was making continuous withdrawals of energy without ever making any energy deposits. I realized I had to change my habits. It takes continuous deliberate effort to change habits. I had to disconnect from my week of energy expenditures and utilize the weekend to reconnect and recharge. . I started making time for quite time. Quite time with nature and quite time with the one's I love. Long walks along the beach or in the mountains allowed my mind to synchronize with the rhythm of nature. Nature's energy has a the ability to humble and put in perspective your priorities. You absorb nature's energy through your senses stimulating your biochemistry to produce higher levels of serotonin, placing you in a low positive energy state. Low positive is where creativity lives. This is why I normally come up with my best ideas during long walks in nature.
Quiet time with the one's you love is the strongest energy of all. Love lives in high energy state, biochemically you are at elevated levels of epinephrine and serotonin. This is where you can leap tall buildings with a single bound. Now you are ready to start the week, take a leap.