Masterminding: How the Right Friends Can Help You Succeed
by Sueños on 03/14/17
After reading the book Think and Grow Rich my friends and I came across a great idea -- masterminding. The book's author defines it as, "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of
harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose." The way we implemented this idea is a weekly meeting where we talk about our dreams, great books we've read, really anything we think could help one another grow. We also create an action list of things we're going to do before our next meeting, and then we follow up with each other at the start of every meeting.
What's so beautiful about the system is that each of us is encouraged to grow by the people who possibly know us the best, and we're all expected to do it in our unique way. In an ideal mastermind, each of the participants is made to feel their dreams are attainable, and that they have a community who will help them reach for and attain even the loftiest of ideals. There's no competition between members, because each path is totally unique from the other.
We're already beginning to see some success. One of our members has re-enrolled in college, with a much better idea of what they would like to study. Another, is moving towards a new career path which is more in line with their goals. What I love most about the process is, watching your friends grow in ways you never thought imaginable, because you all got together and decided to dream.
This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at
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