by Sueños on 01/20/17

David Thoreau
Do you live a deliberate life? Are you living your dream? Are you pursuing your passion? Have you discovered and let out the genius within? If not why not? All of us have a genius within. It is the one thing which is true to us. It is the one thing within us that makes us uniquely special. It is our genius. Many of us spend a lifetime searching for it and many of us never look for it. For many of us the number one reason we either never find it or never look for it is fear. Fear takes many shapes. The fear of failure, financial loss, embarrassment, or all of the above.
Fear can instantly send you into a state of paralysis. You have heard the expression, I was to scared to move. For many of us this is more than just an expression. We literally let fear prevent us from pursuing the kind of life we would like and deserve to live. Developing the skills to manage and defuse fear, is the key to discovering your genius, unlocking your passion, and pursing your dreams. The following steps are just a few steps you can take to diffuse fear:
1. Get Healthy. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Exercise 30 minutes a day. Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Eat small portions, 6 times a day. Remember, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all" Vince Lombardi.
2. Do your research. Much of fear comes from fear of the unknown. Take the element of the unknown out of the equation. Research, Research, Research!
3. Make a plan. The sense of lost of control can also be a contributing factor to high levels of fear. Developing a comprehensive plan with milestones, realistic timelines, and achievable goals can go a long way to reducing any anxiety which may still remain and will also provide you with an excellent road map.
Start living your dream today!