In Pursuit of the Impossible : Los Suenos Institute
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In Pursuit of the Impossible

by Sueños on 04/06/17

Those who have large aspirations are often scoffed at. They are told their dreams and fantasies are the works of an over imagination, and they're berated until they, "Get real." However, to those who dream, do not allow the words of those who cannot see it, become the lens through which you perceive your aspirations. They can't see it in the HD, technicolor phantasm you can.

Why not dream big dreams? Because we might fail? So, the opposite is settling for a life that makes us feel meh. Something that's just good enough. I implore you, if you have a great idea, something that excites you, something that keeps you up at night thinking about it, begin the process of creating it. Start researching, start grinding, build prototypes in your spare time. Whatever it is, break it down into achievable steps and action items. The internet has provided a great number of tools to create and fund brilliant ideas.

Then comes the 'What ifs'. What if I'm not enough?  What if my idea doesn't work? How can I be sure this is the right move for me?  To which I always answer, "Wouldn't you have rather tried and failed, than have never tried at all." I know I would. Tell a story you find compelling, it is your life after all.

This is a guest post by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at

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