How Transforming Work Culture Can Transform Your Brand : Los Suenos Institute
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How Transforming Work Culture Can Transform Your Brand

by Sueños on 01/26/17

I talked the other day about how to increase employee engagement, however, among those I missed something critical -- workplace culture. In Tony Hseih's video he discusses how building a workplace culture that values delivering Grade A customer service, begins in developing a culture that values those characteristics in its employees. (If you have a moment, I would highly recommend the watch). We at Los Sueños Institute have held the belief that the secret to unlocking employee's true potential lies in the energy state a work place elicits. Does it encourage productivity and new ideas through things like an open door policy and positive reinforcement, or is productivity mandated through punitive measures?  

What we maintain is that to drive profits, one must create a culture that has an ultimate goal that has profit as one of its antecedents, not as its focus. To refer back to Zappos, Tony Hseih talks about how the pinnacle goal of Zappos is to deliver happiness to its customers through incredible customer service. Profit, in this case, occurs as a bi-product of delivering happiness to their customers, but is not the loftiest goal of attainment.

Google's X team is another fine example of this. While the experimental team may develop new products for Google to later commercialize, the ultimate goal is to push the boundaries of human ingenuity. However, as an antecedent of this, they produce new products that are represented nowhere else in the market share.

What higher goals do you have for your business? Please, leave them in the comments section! We'd love to hear your ideas.

This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, check out more like it on his blog

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