How to Attract What You Desire
by Sueños on 12/22/16
I started this blog to help people reach their potential beyond those who I could reach in one hour sessions. (At this moment, however, I do happen to have some space for new clients). One of the first things I would tell my clients is, act as the person who has already achieved your goals. However, after reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's Power of Intention I found an even more eloquent way to put it: think from the end.
I prefer this because its focus on the mental accessibility of attitudes, leads to a higher chance of exhibiting behavior that is consistent with those values. In other words, thinking as though you have met your desires, allows you to act as someone who has already fulfilled your desires, which is actually how you fulfill your desires. Thinking in this way minimizes obstacles to speed bumps, rather than the combative thinking that comes from thinking where you are. This in a sense, encapsulates the Buddhist teaching of freeing oneself from desire.
Acting from this place of completion and joy, is how you find the best and most creative solutions. It is from the head of happiness that creativity springs forth. However, if you find yourself acting from a place of incompleteness and scarcity, that's exactly what you find. If you act from the place that you have to force things because it is a cruel and bitter world, then a cruel and bitter world is exactly what you will find. A crop cannot come forth from salt water, and so, you cannot create joy from sadness. Joy can only come from joy.
This is a guest post from one of our coaches Diego Andreas. If you like what you read, check out his blog here
This is a guest post from one of our coaches Diego Andreas. If you like what you read, check out his blog here
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