How Friends Help Make You Creative : Los Suenos Institute
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How Friends Help Make You Creative

by Sueños on 05/02/17

In a time when the term friend is being redefined by the social media networks we belong to, The act of friendship has not.  Being a friend is not something which comes by a click of a mouse.  It is the investment of yourself.  Many times, when we look at our professional life we think these are not friends these are associates and you will be correct that is what they will be.  Because you have not invested. Professional settings bind people.  For many of us, it consumes the majority of our waking hours.  Professional settings also are challenging environments which raise the stress levels in our lives.  Stress creates a biochemical bond between individuals sharing this stressful environment.   Survivors of earthquakes, fires, wars, and 911 have reunions and stay in communication throughout their lives.  Every day we go to work we meet challenges together and survive.  Our bodies raise levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine to meet these challenges.  Jointly experiencing these biochemical changes binds us at much more profound levels than earlier thought.  With each challenge you face together and subsequently succeed a confidence and trust develops amongst the participants.  Levels of serotonin are raised along with mutual trust and respect.  It is in this state the state of low positive, a state of feeling safe and secure where creativity lives.  When you are biochemically at high levels of serotonin you are at your most creative.  When you are surrounded by friends and feel safe and appreciated you are at your most creative.  I have been blessed in my life and have had the pleasure and honor to spend my professional life with great friends.  I would like to list them here and say Thank You but I am afraid I would leave someone out.  I will though reach out to them this week and let them know.  My advice to you is do the same and say, Thank You For Being My Friend.

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