Diversity:The Key to Future Hires
by Sueños on 02/15/17
Millennials are not only the largest generation in America, but also the most diverse says Pew Research Center. With diversity set to only increase, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, diversity hires are now more important than ever. It is essential that businesses begin to adapt to this trend sooner, rather than later, else their bottom lines suffer.
Not only is it important that companies effectively relate to their consumer base, they must also avoid scenarios in which group think becomes the norm. The ramifications of group think can be disastrous, see the Bay of Pigs and the Columbia launch disaster. In both of these cases incredibly well educated people, who may even be considered at the top of their field, made decisions that were truly appalling.
Descent is the key to the refinement of ideas, and the best way to foster healthy descent in an organization is, a diverse board of key-decision makers. Whether that's gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious, or even colleges attended, diverse ideas and backgrounds are essential to any business, especially those with a multi-national scope. Not only is diversity the future of America, it is the future of the world. That's why Los Sueños Institute is dedicated to helping companies develop high potential candidates into well-rounded and bold thought leaders, so that we all may take a step into the future, together.
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