Did You Know That You're an Author? : Los Suenos Institute
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Did You Know That You're an Author?

by Sueños on 03/29/17

As I finished shaking out the last of Moab from my sleeping bag this week end, I was reminded of the brilliant troop of young people that so kindly shared their firewood with me my final night. The rag tag bunch had collected from all over the U.S. into a group of adventure-seeking vagabonds. While the beginning of each of their stories was different, they had somehow united with one common theme. Each one had awoken separately one day and asked themselves, "Is this all there is?" In that spectacular moment they had all come to learn one very important lesson: they are the authors of their own story.

That sudden realization mingled with the smell of marshmallows and roasted bananas, dancing its way into the night sky. Because even though what they had discovered was quite liberating, the celebration of it bore new shackles. So, instead, each wove a separate tapestry from the stories they told, and authored new novels with the actions they took. They did so knowing full well, they could make it into whatever they want, whenever they wanted.

This is a guest post from one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

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