Create Relationships Not Customers : Los Suenos Institute
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Create Relationships Not Customers

by Sueños on 12/28/16

Before becoming a coach, I held mostly sales positions. My first was selling phones and accessories (the name of the company isn't important). In cellphone service this adage is especially true because because as of 2015 64% of Americans had cellphones, and I can say anecdotally most of our customers were bringing their service over from another provider. While they would initially say they were switching to reduce the rate of their phone bill, upon further questioning, they would often note some unfair policy, or complain about a way they felt they had been mistreated. This would lead them to a process only minutely less stressful than visiting the DMV.

However, what I had no problem doing time, after time was help them leave with a smile on their face. Because of this my sales were consistently higher than the rest of my team, and in a game that is based mostly on referrals, it paid well to have people like you. The way you do this is, instead of trying to sell someone something, become their friend first. In my case it was usually asking them why they were leaving their current carrier, and when I moved to home improvement store, it was learning about their project.

 This question will inevitably bring up other talking points, thing they're interested in, their family, where they live, anything. If you're having difficulty finding something to talk about try something from FORD (Family Occupation Recreation Dreams) and as far as building trust, it's usually good start in descending order. I stole this acronym from a video by practical psychology (video below) but it does a great job of encapsulating easy conversation topics.

I had people who would come into my store, and wait for me to finish with my current customer, so I could help them. That's the type of relationship you want to develop. Beyond lining your pockets, it's what makes the job fun. Act with love, and it will be returned. As always keep dreaming everybody.

How to Never Run Out of Things to Say:

Cellphone usage statistics:

This was a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego Andreas. If you like what you read check out his blog at,

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