Are You Leading or Being Lead? : Los Suenos Institute
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Are You Leading or Being Lead?

by Sueños on 04/27/17

Many times we think we are leading but truly, we are being led.  It is difficult for us to differentiate when it exactly happens.  Because we are leading by our fears or more accurately being led by our fears.  Fear increases your levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine.  It was essential in prehistoric times to ward of predatory animals.  It makes you strong, fast and regrettably, stupid!  When we are being led by our fears we take the surest path, anything with predictability suddenly has a higher value.  Even if it brings lousy results and misery.  It is at least predictable misery.  You know exactly how miserable you will be.  Which were the comments made by Russian citizens after the introduction of open market measures as a result of Perestroika.  When interviewed they said while there where extreme shortages under communism they prefer it because they at least knew how miserable they would be when they woke up in the morning.  They were as a group led by their fears.  This attitude is common in companies undergoing mergers and acquisitions.  Everyone waxes nostalgically about the good old days.  And is resistant to embrace the new vision and thereby  being blind to their true potential.  Is your organization on the path of predictable misery.  Are you leading or are you being led by your fears?   Embrace your fears with confidence and open your eyes to your potential!

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