by Sueños on 01/23/17
What do you want to be when your grow up? It is a question we answer as a child with out fear, without hesitation, without boundaries. Life as child is a limitless blue sky on a summer day. We dream and we dream big. Where are your dreams now? Are you living the dream? If you could ask yourself the question void of all fear would you say yes? If you would, congratulations! If you would not, why not? And when? When becomes the question. We stop allowing ourselves to dream as we get older. The disappointment becomes to great and to difficult to bear. Our fear becomes to strong. We find comfort in a new car, a nicer sound system, a bigger TV and a better neighborhood. Yet every once in awhile, while fear is sleeping dreams make a dash for your consciousness. They jump up and down to get your attention before fear wakes up and puts them in their place. This is the time to embrace your dreams and keep them safe before fear wakes up.