5 Things To Do To Stay Positive : Los Suenos Institute
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5 Things To Do To Stay Positive

by Sueños on 04/25/17

Most careers I’ve seen limited have been because people underestimated themselves.  Seldom do I see someone limit their career because they are too confident.  What I commonly see is individuals who underestimate their potential.   They allow the internal negative self talk voice to take over and define them. You know this voice it tells you all the reasons why you will fail.  It tells you, you are not smart enough, to old, to  young, to fat, to skinny, to brown to white.  It is time to get rid of this voice.  It does not serve you.  It serves itself.  It keeps you in a constant state of self doubt.  This is the only way it can control you.  It puts you into a low negative energy state.  It affects your serotonin level. It changes you biochemically. Since it causes a bio chemical change, negative self talk can be highly addictive.  It is more than just a bad habit.  How do you get rid of it? You develop a consistent positive energy routine:

1.  Never allow negative self talk to go unabated.  You know it is not true.  You are smart enough and all the other enoughs you tell yourself you are not. Start telling yourself it is not true.  You are enough.

2.  Sleep well.  To little sleep makes us all weak.

3.  Meditate.  Strong metaphysical muscles will raise your awareness, which will allow you to keep the negative self talk in check.

4.  Good Nutrition.  Developing a constant level of energy is key to maintaining your awareness.

5.  Move.  What ever your type of exercise/activity is, just move.  It increases the oxygen in your system which you need to develop glycogen.  This is the energy you live from.

Overall, as you start down this new path just be patient and kind to yourself.  Recognize this is a habit you developed over a long period of time.  You will not get there with one big step but with many little ones.

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