5 Easy Steps To Effective Leadership! : Los Suenos Institute
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5 Easy Steps To Effective Leadership!

by Sueños on 03/08/17

Everyday I see titles like the one above, “5 Easy Steps To Effective Leadership”.  Sorry to disappoint, there is no such thing.  These titles are done simply to get your attention and get you to read.  I do not have 5 easy steps.  I have one.  And it is not easy!  It is the hardest thing you will ever do.  You will spend a lifetime trying to achieve.  You will never completely achieve, but you will get better at it.   The one thing is, living an Energy Centered life.  It is not a 5 step checklist, a program, or the latest leadership fad.  It is a life style.  It is developing the ability and the will to generate and oscillate your own energy at will.  Develop this and you develop the ability to tame your fears.  And with that you open the world to a horizon only limited by the size of your dream.  Everyday I work with leaders who want to talk about P & L s, Sales Plans, Succession planning, and M & A’s.  They believe leadership is a list of task.  And the better they get at any of those individual task.  The better leader they will become.  Don’t get me wrong financial acumen, talent, and strategic planning are important.  But until you have the ability to center your energy chances are many of your decisions will be fear based and wrong.  You will look for the lowest risk not the highest potential.  How do you center your energy then, you may ask?  

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