4 Tips to Help You Actually Stick to Your New Year's Resolution : Los Suenos Institute
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4 Tips to Help You Actually Stick to Your New Year's Resolution

by Sueños on 12/26/16

45% of Americans will make a New Year's resolution, with an additional 17% occasionally making New Year's resolutions. That means just about 50% of Americans can be expected to make New year's resolutions this year. However, after 6 months only about 46% of people are still keeping up with their resolution. That's why today I wanted to talk about how to actually stick with that resolution!

Create a Plan
For example if your goal is to lose weight, set a goal of how many pounds you would like to lose in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and by the end of the year. Maybe your goal is to save money, set a goal of how much money you would like to add to your savings account each month. Set actual milestones, so you can track your progress as you go. Having these little goals along the way will help you actually attain your goals.

Start Small and Gradually Increase
If your goal is to start going to the gym everyday, that will feel impossible when your first start trying to keep your New Year's Resolution. Instead, start with going to the gym once a week, at three months increase to maybe three times a week, and so on. Forming new habits can be challenging, but by starting small it will seem much more manageable.

Place Reminders All Around Your Home
If your goal is to eat out less and cook more, leave cook books on your coffee table, out in your kitchen, etc. A common goal is to weigh as much as I did in high school or college, maybe try putting up photos of when you were that age. These gentle reminders will help you keep on the straight and narrow towards completing your resolution.

Tell Other People Your Goal
This is great way to keep your New Year's Resolution going. An even more helpful way is to create a little group that maybe goes out for coffee and tea every week to discuss how their goal is going. Having other people hold you accountable for what you say you're going to do can be a great way to keep you stay focused on your goal. As humans we like positive, social feedback, and having a team of people to support you as you reach for your dreams, can be a tremendous tool. I stole this idea from a book called Think and Grow Rich, and it can be incredibly useful not just for keeping New Year's resolutions, but for your professional goals as well!

Well there you go everybody! I wish you all the most beautiful of New Years, and I can't wait until you crush that New Year's goal. Have a wonderful start of your week, and if you have a moment, drop those New Year's resolutions below.

This was a guest post by our coach Diego Andreas. If you liked this post, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com

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