3 Things to Do When You Start Panicking
by Sueños on 03/24/17
Take a Moment to Focus on Your Breathing
This is what we've been meditating for. In the words of Alan Watts, "True spirituality turns anxiety into laughter." Take a moment to process why you're frustrated, how it might be avoided next time, and then let it go. I've found that laughter can truly be the best medicine here, and if I find myself getting frustrated, I usually laugh at myself for taking it all so seriously.
Start Thinking of Alternative Solutions
Now that you've taken a moment to recenter yourself, you can start thinking of ways to fix the problem. Using the sample above, if you have an important meeting, or a report due, perhaps you can ask one your co-workers to attend or turn it in for you. Where there's a will, there's a way. You just have to start thinking.
Accept the Outcome
Be brave and humble enough to accept the outcomes. It may or may not play in your favor; however, I'm always stunned by the lesson the Bay of Pigs disaster teaches us. Sometimes, when seemingly perfect people fail, people like them more because they're humanized a bit. So, if you find yourself on the verge of being a perfectionist, remember it's okay to seem mortal every now and then. How would you be a human if you didn't make mistakes?
To deal with stress and emergency effectively is kind of a balancing act. On the one hand, we have to act, it's necessitated by the situation, on the other, we have to be able to do so without losing control of the situation. It is within these moments, that we truly put our meditation or yoga practices to the test. In any situation, you always have the right to choose.
This is a guest blog by one of our coaches Diego-Andreas. If you like this post, and want to see more like it, check out his blog at www.wonderingintomyself.com
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