3 Things That Will Help you Bring out the Best in Yourself
by Sueños on 12/19/16
Take a Moment Every Morning to Think About Your Goals
I use a meditation done by Wayne Dyer to do this, but what is really boils down to is this. Each day you are granted the opportunity to move closer to the life you have dreamed of living. Each obstacle gives you the chance to behave as the person you have always wanted to be. Taking a moment to concentrate on your goals every morning will help you recall the attitudes that inform behavior. The more readily available the attitude, the more likely you will respond in such a way that is concordant with what you would like to create.
Be The Person Who Already Has Everything
So often we imagine ourselves in a far off day when we've achieved everything we've ever wanted, and we like to think we'll look back on our life with this beautiful wave of nostalgia, as our yacht disappears into the sunset. This just isn't so. Humans are insatiable wanting machines, we always create new goals just as soon as we complete the old ones. That's okay, in fact that's what makes life fun! But don't make your sense of self contingent on the completion of goals, rather, enjoy what is happening right now. Be the yacht sailing version of yourself now, and instead of looking at your past with delight, look at this day with delight.
Remember It's the Journey That Makes it Fun
If you know me just a little bit, then you've heard about my beautiful 1986 Winnebago I'm in the process of remodeling. (Her name is Florence). During the sub zero weather the valve on Florence's toilet burst, causing the black water tank to overflow. I'll spare you the details, but it was certainly a crappy situation. It would have been so easy to have thrown in the towel on the whole thing, and call the project a bust. However, it's those things, the unexpected hiccups, that make it all fun. That's what gives you a chance to learn something new.
What I'm advocating here isn't complacency, but enjoyment of the process. Your life will always be a work in process, your goals will change, as will your priorities. A story wouldn't be interesting if the author skipped straight to the end. What makes it enticing is all the drama in between. Your life is a page turning novel, and there's no actor better for your role than you.
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